Member Benefits
Here are some Phone Numbers and Links within the American Legion organization. As a member, you can get access to these and other services from the national chapter, and you also get to participate in our local events. Click the Link to check out the national organization, and if you need help, please give us a call at (631) 267-8728.
National American Legion organization:
(317) 630-1321
[email protected]
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation:
(202) 263-5759
[email protected]
(202) 263-5771
[email protected]
(202) 263-5752
[email protected]
National Security / Foreign Relations:
(202) 263-5765
[email protected]
Americanism / Children & Youth:
(317) 630-1203
[email protected]
Public Relations:
(317) 630-1253
[email protected]
American Legion Magazine:
(317) 630-1298
[email protected]
American Legion Riders
(317) 630-1327
[email protected]
Sons of the American Legion:
(317) 630-1205
[email protected]
American Legion Auxiliary
National: (800) 433-3318
There are many helpful organizations outside of the American Legion structure. Please feel free to use these links, and if you think we should include something, please let us know by sending us an email.
Veterans’ Administration
Customer service: 1 (800) 827-1000
Emergency: 1 (877) 927-8387
Government office:
Veterans of Foreign Wars USA
National: (800) VFW-1899, that is (800) 839-1899
Wainscott: 290 Montauk Hwy, Wainscott, NY 11975
Phone: (631) 324-2768